Building Competitions

Building Competitions in Stagescloud:

Once you've created an account and your Admin has given you Instructor access, log in and on the left side bar, choose 'Competitions'.

Choose the 'Create' option in the upper right corner of your screen and you'll land in the building page. Click on 'Add Interval' in the bottom left corner and you're given the option of creating a Rest Interval or a Compete Interval.

We recommend a 10 second 'rest' interval to start each competition as this will help you navigate your riders in preparation for the first competition interval. To choose this, simply click 'Rest' and choose the time of 10 seconds.

When you click on 'Rest' the above screen will pop up. Click on the large center 'Duration' time to change it.

Simply scroll the number inside the blue center lines to match the time you'd like each interval and then press save. The interval will exist in the bottom left corner.

Next you'll begin adding in the 'Compete' intervals according to the times you've decided, by clicking on the '+' sign. These can be as simple and short as you've determined.

One of your biggest decisions as you build your competitions is if you want your entire class music-mapped so the competitions will align with the surges in your playlist. If this is the case, simply time out the front part of your class (before your first competition) and make one large 'Rest' interval for that entire time. At the beginning of your class, you'll simply press 'Start Class' and then not have to pause or play anything else on the Remote Control. If you want your competition to start right when a surge in the music happens, just time it all out as you build your competitions according to your music's timing.

The other option is to create short competitions and play them during your class, either matching the music or not. For example if you've decided to run 3 90-second intervals, simply build the first one after the 10-second rest interval, and follow it up by another rest interval. You can choose to make your rest interval exactly the rest/recovery time you want to give your riders, or you can make it 10 seconds and simply pause the plan/competition until you're ready to run the 2nd 90-second interval. This is up to personal preference. Once you've completed the competition, your screen might look like this.

To save this competition you've built, click on the 'Review' button in the top right corner, name the competition and save it.

Please note a few things as you build your competitions:

  1. There needs to be a minimum of 20-seconds of 'rest' in between each competition. This gives you time in between each Compete interval for the screen to display what your riders accomplished! This is a huge part of the game. They will want to see what they did as a group, so they can work to beat it in the next round.
  2. At the end of all the compete intervals, put in at least a 30-second Rest interval (preferably 1 minute), so the riders can see the results of all the competitions and what their final score was. As soon as the time of the final rest interval comes to an end, the screen will go blank, so give them plenty of time to check it out and celebrate!
  3. Data will begin recording for your riders as soon as you press 'Start Class'. Whether you're pausing the plan for the short competitions, or playing a full class all the way through (because it's all music-mapped), the data collection remains consistent until you 'End Class' or the session times out.

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